Posted by Bella in Twilight Saga | 48 Comments
The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn Part 1 – Official Trailer [HD]
![The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn Part 1 – Official Trailer [HD]](
Subscribe | Facebook | Twitter Release Date: 18 November 2011 Genre: Drama | Fantasy | Romance Cast: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner Directors: Bill Condon Writer: Melissa Rosenberg, Stephenie Meyer Studio: Summit Entertainment Plot: The Quileute and the Volturi close in on expecting parents Edward and Bella, whose unborn child poses different threats to the wolf pack and vampire coven.
I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE CLIPS OR SONGS AND THIS ISNT AN OFFICIAL TRAILER. THIS ONE IS MADE BY A FAN AND ONLY FOR FUN! BACKUP ACCOUNT ;;; EDIT (10/09/2010) : you guys this is insane! over 3.000.000 views … And even though a lot hate the trailer (so as i do BTW because it DOES suck! my editing was just … awful and I’m glad I improved!) i think its also awesome to see so many supporters. If you’d like me to do a RE-DO of this trailer be sure to let me know 🙂 THE TRAiLER WON AT XxpiratesxX’S CONTEST !!! :] CATEGORIE: BEST TRAiLER – THANKS ALOT !! Finally here it is 🙂 The trailer I was mostly looking forward too, because Breaking Dawn is one of my favourite books of the series. Cast: Bella Swan – Kristen Stewart Edward Cullen – RPattz Jacob Black – Taylor Lautner Rosalie Cullen – Nikki Reed Carlisle Culle – Peter Facinelli (Renesmee Cullen – Theodore Turner [i know he’s a guy but it’s har to find a toddler]) Clips : Twilight The Messengers Kelly Clarkson – Behind These Hazel Eyes A Walk To Remember Faith Hill – There You’ll Be Gossip Girl Angel Songs : Immediate Music – Love and War Immediate Music – Serenata BE SURE TO LEAVE COMMENTS AND RATE 🙂 DO NOT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE ;P
I know that there r a lot of twilight haters out there and i really respect this movies. Some things ive seen complains about r that there is no chemistry between the actors, there is no plot, etc. I just have one q. for the haters: Most of u dare 2 watch a good movie in a bad resolution but dont want to watch a “supposedly” bad movie with an amazing story line? Wow haters r trully posers and full of crap and really idiots and a 2 other things i wouldnt like to mention. like this if its true
Why Jacob always turn off the shirt? haha LOL :-p
@Majorasword64 ☺ I do too. The new teaser is a riot I thought it was the parody ‘Breaking Wind’. I am positve the jealous one who brought this on us regrets every detail she wrote looks at it and cringes what she had in mind next. Great thing its over!
I just want to put that twilight is nothing more than a shitty chick-flick with vampires and werewolves are thrown in.Fuck I would say the author ruined her book series but they were never good to begin with.
jacob is so fucking fitt with no shirt thumbs up if you agreed
omg ive read the book breaking dawn but its better in a movie!! cant wait for part 2, gonna be the biggest, romantic movie yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha, he breaks the bed,
i like this but THE HUNGER GAMES IS AWESOMER!!!!!!!!
@CHRIS201198 😀 LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
this is a razzie nominee for worst movie? C’mon
@CHRIS201198 omg thats soo funny.
I am so sorry,but without Alice Twilight is nothing!
It is awesome 😀 Except the pedo part with the baby and jacob 😀
I just watched it here latestmoviesfree.or g the quality is great !
If you hate it why comment. Your just wasting your time on something you dont ‘like’. You people are so stupid. haven’t watched this or eclipse yet :O i’m so behind, i thought i didn’t like the whole thing. watched new moon and bam! im an addict.
i very like 🙂
Hey guys, found a rough copy to Breaking Dawn 2. I downloaded it and it’s actually legit. Here’s the link if you want to check it out.
First ten seconds of the video: BOOBIEESSSSSSSS!
@CHRIS201198 forgot YAY
Bara lögner… Ingen export inga löner
@CHRIS201198 If you hate it so much why watch this trailer, COME ON LIKE DICKHEAD
you are cordially invited to the event witch is forever gay
-twilight breaking dawn
I haven’t seen this one in forever!!! 🙂 -3
Selfish b****.
@JustOneGirlMadeByYou Breath by Breaking benjamin
What’s the name of the forst song ? The one that starts at 0:01
amazing film, just watched movie here bit.lyw5IiL8
la escena donde tienen relaciones es de Gossip Girl >
How should i watch this i dont have a netflix but i realy wana c this movie should i go on a web site? And what one?!?
Excelent Movie! Just watch here bit.lywBFM0Y
HD Movies goo.glpkkDM
@elizabeththeshortone What episode of Gosspi Girl?
@brittany6180 its blair and nate from gossip girl
0:45 is gossip girl XD
hey guys, have this rough copy to Breaking Dawn part 2 movie, check it out once you have the chance. I downloaded it and it’s awesome!
That is sooo NOT twilight
Where did they find the clip of the woman in a black bra and black panties and her lover who is wearing a white making love?
spike’s penis is so small you think he was meant to be a girl but god changed his mind at the last minute so we need to find a girl that prefers a very small chicken nugget if ya know what I mean. Giles puts his cock all over the place except for Tara’s ass so that makes her sad so she stabs his penis with her own penis forming the best/most surprising porn video ever made! Who knew Tara had a penis? I sure didn’t!!
Twilight is gay
This is not real twilight
Sarah Gellar fans alway go on about how much they hate twilight.. but Ringer is one of the lowest viewed shows on American tv next to 90210 anyway.
Does bella die then
Go team lestat!!! LOL
i could watch this movie a1000 times!!! leakedmovies . biz
watch this movie in great quality at