Jan 7, 2012

Posted by in Twilight New Moon | 25 Comments


Become a fan on Facebook – www.facebook.com The highly anticipated fourth installment of The Twilight Saga, directed by Academy Award® winner Bill Condon, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 1 reveals the mysteries of this romantic epic that has entranced millions. On DVD & Blu-ray February 11.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

  1. supercolton says:

    yes I know she turns into a vampire I read the book but I believe her heart stops beating when she turns into a vampire which normally means you have died just like any other vampire movie you must die before you can turn into a vampire unless you are a have breed like blade or a vampire from a nother movie which I will not mention so I don’t ruin it for other people 🙂 I do really like vampire bella in the book

  2. AsianTaeHyun says:

    I don’t normally do these kind of things, but this was pretty fun. You try it!
    TYPE YOUR NAME: Leonard
    TYPE YOUR NAME WITH YOUR CHIN: l..edoln safrdf
    SLAM YOUR FACE ON THE KEYBOARD: About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him- and I didn’t know how potent that part might be- that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

  3. songstres07 says:

    heck. freakin’. yessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. ramonauoe says:

    I? absolutely love this series! leakedmovies . biz

  5. TwilightNJonas4Ever says:

    Can’t wait ♥

  6. AloneinFiction says:

    Why is this coming out so early???

  7. kimicub5923 says:


  8. bookwrmgrl24 says:

    @LoneDraw15 i live in the California US.

  9. ILuvTheColorBlu says:

    @supercolton why then even watch this video? creep…

  10. @musicADHD No, i’m the greatest boyfriend, once i buy the movie for her lol. 🙂

  11. Xxcupcake522xx says:

    Voldemort rules
    he also kicks the volturi’s ass!!!

  12. Movi3MANIA33 says:

    They’re already releasing this on DVD? But it’s only been out in theaters for a month!

  13. chichigirrl2 says:

    because Edward is stuck at 17 forever and Stephenie Meyer is the most fucking cliche, un-original, and boring author in the history of authors and decides to put him in high school ._.

  14. AccioVoldemortsNose says:

    @chichigirrl2 Thank you! 😀

  15. chichigirrl2 says:

    your username is AWESOME 😀

  16. AccioVoldemortsNose says:

    @JOEROBJBLUVME First of all, it is “what” and “wrong.” And second of all, what do you mean?


    @AccioVoldemortsNose wat wwrong with you

  18. AccioVoldemortsNose says:

    @Jewels4985 This isn’t real. It’s all a hoax.

  19. Jewels4985 says:

    Are the serious!! FEB 11th!?!?!?!!?! Please tell me this is real!!! I can’t wait!

  20. AccioVoldemortsNose says:

    Harry Potter is better. For sure.

  21. alfordllg says:

    i? wonder if those girls edward siblings has period too 🙂

    leakedmovies . biz

  22. Bannanasbreakdance says:

    Well the DVD’s were already made. Both of the movies were finished in 2010 and they always wait for a good time to release the movie so it was already finished. They probably didn’t want people to go nuts after a while and maybe they wanted to give the people something to keep them satisfied until this November.

  23. musicADHD says:

    @CBkid7 Dude, you are a good boyfriend. lol

  24. musicADHD says:

    @kkengfaa Breaking Dawn is number 14 among the top 50 grossing movies of this past weekend (coming before movies that were released at an even later date than 11/18), so how is not bringing in money? There had been talk of Summit playing around with dates in Feb & March anyway. And said-talk had been around practically since mid to late November (same time as release). So, no…You got no support from me. But, thanks anyway, my Trollay Trolly Frand. 😀

  25. @musicADHD If you were attempting to disprove what I said you did a horrible job. You only had a positive effect on what I said. A movie NOT bringing money in = a movie that’ll be removed from theaters before a movie bringing in money.

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