Posted by Bella in Twilight Saga | 50 Comments
The Twilight Eclipse Saga: Eclipse Premiere

Twilight Eclipse Saga Premiere! Ben Gleib mixes it up with Twihards at the LA premiere of the Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Want more Gleib? Videos – Add Ben on Facebook Follow Ben on Twitter Check out Ben’s website eclipse premiere twilight official movie RobertPattinson TaylorLautner TeamEdward TeamJacob
The director and stars of Twilight take the Hall H stage. Brought to you by Hall H Coverage.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
i just miss when robert pattersin was cedric… he looked healthyer… but what evs…
i’m? addicted 2 twilight
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2:53 thats the first time i’m proud of some jersey shore wannabes douchebags
Get these girls copies of Bram Stoker’s Dracula and copies of Francis Ford Coppola’s 1992 film adaption of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
I’m Team Guy who almost hit Bella with a truck.
3:15 FU!K THE GIRL !!!
you high right now?…..nooo…8^O…blaaaahaha
lmao i found 3 pauly D tripplets
@aliasjay lol fuck off the’re the only clever ones there lol
2:56 those guys are boss. are u hear for the movie. no we’re here to pick up chicks. i bet thats what they did
team lugosi.
don’t fuck with the original.
Team Diggory! <3
i hate it when people post “twilight suck” cause they spend there time and download to watch this obviously they like it
@TopClassFighter2 twilight sucks why watch this video
@IILittleJacobII I can’t believe it either…
yeh yeh yeh edward dies…….NO.
yeh yeh yeh edward dies..
i hate that fuckin chick who has the i hate robert pattinson sign
edward…. 😀
the next zombie virus
Hahahaha I was laughing so hard!!
0:44 lol see that girl in red shirt’s face? priceless
0:39: Taylor mira a Kristen y pasa la nota a Rob
0:53: Rob abre la nota y la lee (puedes escuchar el papel abriendose)
1:05: Puedes ver que Rob tiene algo en sus manos
1:19: Los ojos de Kristen se aguan y sabe que Rob leyo la nota
@MsTwifan4ever You need to grow a brain.
Ok, I usually don’t comment on these but Kristen had me laughing so hard, I swear she said the correct answer was getting me pregnant, as in that was how he should have answered. Lmao, it would also explain their expressions. 😀
Yes Taylor was so buff like wow :)! I loved Ashley Greene in this movie they all did a great job like this movie really hooks you in. My mother even watches it and is a big fan of it!
@twilightgirlyyy17 and at 1:19 we can see Kristen gives Rob the look with smile.. “it’s like, wow! we almost caught Rob” 😀
@twilightgirlyyy17 yeah.. Rob focus with something on his lap (texting) and it’s from kristen that’s why he didn’t get what is the question.. and while he’s answering, taylor is like checks on Rob’s lap and gives sign to kristen that Rob already got/read the msg.. and taylor keeps staring on it with innocent face and suddenly he realized that Chris tell him to stop staring ( cos it’ll become so obvious from camera) and taylor nods to chris.. it’s like Chris very understanding about Robsten.. :D
3:31 when rob smiled at kristen my heart melted! <3
@audreyevan24 what? theres a breaking dawn comic con already? omg im so excited to see it, i hope someone uploads it soon! <3
omfg thumbs up if you cant wait for the breaking dawn comic con TOMORROW!!! 🙂 ahh im so excited
I can’t stop hearing Rob!OMG he is so AMAZING <3
OMG OMG I just seen breaking dawn part 2!! jacob is soooo fit all the way through the film!! you can catch it here if you like its pretty good quality ! xxx – bit.lyBreakingDawnPT2
love them all!
@ajengncp no, she didn’t.
haha he called is name wrong
Kristen and rob are texting eachother you can tell lol
if you guys stop the video at 1:53 kristen is making a funny face lol
Robs really quite in this compared to the MTV movie awards !
kristen said :FIRST YOU HAVE TO GET ME PREGNANT ,hahahaha LOL KRIS-__-
@10VictoriaJ Robert and Kristen
I SO love Chris. He’s totally my fav director from the saga. He can’t be any more funny even if he tried.
@bogusgirl77 who’s a cute couple ?
she definitely said, CAN’T WAIT!! they were so flirting with each other.cute couple!
@cgerrey I think It looks like Kristen says: trust me, we will 🙂