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New Moon (The Twilight Saga) Reviews

The #1 New York Times bestseller is available for the first time in a mass market paperback edition, featuring a striking movie tie-in cover.
In New Moon, Stephenie Meyer delivers another irresistible combination of romance and suspense with a supernatural twist. The “star-crossed” lovers theme continues as Bella and Edward find themselves facing new obstacles, including a devastating separation, the mysterious appearance of dangerous wolves roaming the forest in Forks, a terrifying thre
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A Dalliance with Wolves,
4.5 stars
NOTE: I’m adding, rather late, apparently, that there’s a bit of a spoiler in this review. So, read with caution. That said, if you paid attention while reading Twilight, I’m puzzled as to how my spoiler could possibly be a spoiler. Myers spelled it out, in the book and interviews, almost as clearly as she spells out Bella’s awed perception of Edward.
In my review of Twilight, I said that the book had more in common with “Catcher in the Rye” and “Pride and Prejudice” than it did with any vampire novels or stories. That still holds true, although be certain: I’m not comparing Twilight or New Moon to these books in terms of literary quality. There are few that match either.
In New Moon we miss the vampires for most of the story, and Bella spends time with her friend Jacob, an Indian fated with becoming a werewolf, and fated to hate all “bloodsuckers”, regardless of whether or not the bloodsuckers took human lives. (Btw, that little bit is cleared up at the end…what exactly their treaty entails. It’s interesting, kind of, but I have to wonder if the author thought of it as the story was being written, and that it wasn’t planned when the “treaty” was first mentioned. I suppose it doesn’t matter.)
If you’re reading this story because you like vampire stories, you will be disappointed. Edward’s only around for a bit less than 1/3 of the book. When he is around, however, his presence is appreciated. One thing that the author didn’t do this time, and it was similarly appreciated, was to have Bella writing down every single thought that she had regarding his absolute perfection (remember, this is a first person narrative).
While spending time with “the wolves”, Bella goes through some interesting growth patterns. I say interesting, because I’m not entirely certain that I followed them or that if I understood them that I agreed with them. That said, I’ve never been a teenage girl, and the author has been a teenage girl, so I have to bow to her experience in this.
Many readers will look at Bella’s behavior during her “dalliance with wolves” as bizarre and entirely unbelievable. I don’t think they were. For anyone that has had the absolute love of their life torn from them, with the *absolute* belief that this love would not return, and if you happen to be emotionally immature to top all of this off, your behavior wouldn’t be too far off from Bella’s. I’m not saying exactly like Bella’s, just not too far off.
Again, this is not a vampire story. The fact that vampires were not around in this book as often as some may have liked did not lessen the quality of the story. What was missing, though, was the urgency, and the mystery. For example, we never knew why, in Twilight, Edward recoiled upon first seeing Bella until the very end. We had a reaction, and a resolution, and during that time we had lots of questions. That type of immediacy was missing here. Everything was rather straightforward.
When Edward lies to Bella, we know that he is lying, and we know that there will be resolution. The problem is that we know he’s lying, and we know the resolution won’t be too surprising.
I did enjoy the unique take on werewolves, but I felt that since we had seen so much of the vampires in the first book, that we should have seen and felt more of the werewolves in this book.
One thing that I found particularly frustrating was the similarity of emotion that both Jake and Edward have for Bella. Yes, Bella is a clutz, and she definitely needs protecting. But to have two main characters, in two separate books, respond to her in a nearly identical manner (both fearing for, and being vocal about, her need to be less careless), is tough to buy.
There were some hints of future issues between the Cullens and Jake’s clan. I hope we see them. And I hope that this story can survive the necessary metamorphosis – at some point, it will need to be less about Bella’s intense love for Edward, and more about the actual situations surrounding them.
This may sound like a negative review. It’s not. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I’ve seen others that gave Twilight 5 stars give this 1 or 2 stars, and I’ve questioned that. I think that given the nature of this story, readers need to be more aware of what this story is really about. See the first paragraph of this review for that.
I’m anxiously awaiting the third book. There are a lot of possibilities, and I can’t help but wonder which possibility the author will choose, and how she will resolve whatever roadblocks her choices give her.
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Co-dependent Bella: Act II,
Anyone who enjoyed the first book but found the phrasing repetitive and the character of Bella to be mildly annoying, be warned.
Pgs 1-70 are actually interesting, aside from Bella being a brat about turning 18
Pgs 70-400 are basically the plot of the first book, recycled, with Jacob as the new love interest. As with Edward, she shuns the other kids at school, wants to spend all her time with him, and, when she finds out what he really is, she embraces it, meets the family…etc etc.
pgs 400-the end are essentially the only novelty to the book. Even so, it’s ruined by the fact that Bella is so helpless and insecure. I don’t understand why Edward loves you either, Bella, but he does. And I don’t want to have to read 500 pages of him convincing you of that.
This book is basically ACT II of the first book, but with a few less obnoxious descriptions of Edward’s bronze hair/marble body/topaz eyes, and a few more obnoxious descriptions of the aching hole/depression in Bella’s soul when Edward leaves her.
Bella morphs from being slightly annoying and whiny, to being completely pathetic. Her world revolves around Edward, so when he leaves, she is left in a catatonic state…until eventually she decides to rebel and do crazy things, in the hopes that she might hear his voice (oh yes, that velvet voice of his is in this book too, and velvet must be on Meyer’s ‘favorite adjectives list”).
But then Bella finds reason for living again, in the arms of another man, Jacob. Her basic attraction to him is based on…wait for it…”she’s less miserable with him”. Hmmm….the co-dependent latches on again. She completely leads him on, because the whole time she is with him, she is still thinking about Edward and how she can reunite her crazy messed up head with a precious delusion of him.
In the end, Edward and Jacob are mortal enemies (oh no!) and Bella is left choosing between the man who is the world to her, and the man who is the world to her when the man who really is the world to her is unavailable. Gee, I wonder who she’ll choose in the end. Apparently Meyer wants us to think it’s a toss up and plans to make another book of it. Yeah right.
I can only hope that the third book doesn’t contain the following phrases and/or words, because I HATE THEM BY NOW:
velvet voice
touseled bronze hair
marble slab
perfect face
singing laughter
aching hole
russett skin
angelic anything
it felt like I was dreaming
I wasn’t sure if it was a dream
it had to be a dream
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Ladies: Don’t act like Bella.,
Maybe I’m being stuffy, maybe I’m out of touch now that I’m an old lady of 28. But I generally like quality young adult fantasies, and I liked the original book a lot.
What got me about this one, like others have mentioned, was Bella’s inability to function without her boyfriend, and later without a man in general. Like Charlie told her, she’s not the first one to have gone through a break-up or have her heart broken. I wish she would have just sucked it up, gone on with her life, maybe gotten ANGRY with Edward for being such a drama queen. Instead it’s wah, wah, wah, I’ve lost everything. Even though I have a home, two parents who love me, friends who are willing to support me even though I dropped them to be with a guy…none of it means anything because my true wuv, my high school boyfriend of one year, is gone. Boo-friggin’ hoo, Bella. Her identity is so wrapped up in her boyfriend that her conscience speaks in his voice. Gag me.
Then, naturally, the only person to pull her out of her depression is another boy, and naturally she can’t just tell him she ISN’T INTERESTED before things spin out of control. She thinks she’s ready to become a vampire, but she can’t break it off with a dude. It just bothered me.
All that aside, I liked the parts where Bella wasn’t moping! 🙂
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