Posted by Bella in Isabella Cullen | 46 Comments
Jasper Hale et Bella Swan S’aimer pour nous est interdit

A video about a potential love story between Jasper Hale and Bella Swan. In English, the title of the song is “Love is forbidden for us”. I’m so sorry if there’s mistakes, I’m french. Vidéo Plot: READ IT PLEASE TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING! Flash Back. Bella leavePhoenix to go to forks and fall in love with Edward. But Jasper, Edward’s brother is really cute and she likes him. They began to test each other and to flirt. O.28: Bella’s thinking about what she feels for Jasper. Friendship or love? O.32: Jasper is lost because Bella has a power on him, he is attracted by her. O.37: End of the Flash Back. Bella and Jasper couldn’t love each other and say goobye to the soulmate. O.57: Flash Back. The first time they met, when Jasper was still with Alice and when Bella fell in love with Edward. 1.05: A Kiss between Jasper and Bella before the began touching each other. End Flash Back. 1.14: Edward saw in Jasper’s mind what he did with Bella and broke up with her. 1.17: Alice knows too but she forgives Jasper, and wants to show Bella that he is hers. 1.20: Bella thinks about her night with Jasper. 1.31: Jasper tries to leave again like he did before he met Bella. 1.35: Bella wants Edward to forgive her. 1.40: But Jasper goes to her room. He needs to talk to her. They are in love. 1.55: Jasper wants to go away with Bella who is packing her clothes and he tries to say it to Alice. 2.02: Bella feels guilty to broke again Edward’s heart and remembers that she kissed him an hour ago to …
UPDATE: clip quality is so bad because it was made just after the movie had come out! Used Eclipse scenes 😉 a few things to address: 1. the coloring got really messed up 2. there’s one clip I didnt color, it was the bedroom scene when edward says “you’ll always be my Bella” 3. this turned out pretty bad. 4. the audio change is a little drastic near the end, im not sure if its UBER noticeable but.. live with it 😀 SONG: Impossible- Shontelle (Instrumental) FANDOM: TWILIGHT PAIRING:E/B Eclipse clips used 🙂 VOICE OVERS: Fire and ice poem & “Isabella swan, I promise to love you every moment of forever, will you do me the incredible honor of marrying me” enjoy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
i love it
@roseheart1011 Into the Wilde.
@roseheart1011 It is in the film from Sean Penn, “Into the Wilde”
what is 0:33? or after that.where shes hugging someone
what is 0:33?
Le Roi Soleil:)) J’aime Emmanuel Moire:D
what film is it at 1:51 ?
je voudrais savoir comment s’appelle le film ou bella et jasper on joué ensemble
3:24 ahhhh my poor baby!!!!!
is tht clip where they are making out one of the gossip girls ?
il ferai vraimen un tre tre bo couple
jador vraimen
It’s very nice!!!I cant stop watching..:) Faved!:)
ils sont mignnon
Jasper est PAS avec Bella !!! Il est avec Alice !!! lol
no !!!!
bella et jacob irait bien ensemble je trouve!
what’s the name on 0:33 with jasper(jackson rathbone)? and which movie is it on 0:36 with kristen and robert(bella and edward hugging?)0:40?(jackson) ohh and forgot what film is it on 1:39-1:53 where jasper and bella play? i know their are different but what film are they?
your is better than the others i watched
twilight should be like this but anyway
great great great vid. this should be twilight not with edward jezzzz………. great 1000000000000% greater then others
i cant stop watching it
i just plain out loved it because it was awesome
je n’aurais jamais aimé si c’était Jasper qui serait avec Bella dans le film
Bad jasper bad he needs a spanking lol cute video very cool
Ta vidéo me donne plein d’idée pour des histoires … Je l’adore !! Bon, c’est vrai que le couple Jasper-Bella c’est pas gégnial mais bon … 🙂
I love the moments in the video an the music just makes u more into it nice job!
@Alix231299 The Instrumental of Impossible by Shontelle 🙂
@MyEndlessThoughts exactly why I used a instrumental version because the lyrics didn;t fit…
I’m not sure but it sounds like ”Shontelle - Impossible”
I know this song, and the lyrics and because I know them.. I sing automatically (; but yeah.. the lyrics do not fit the video (;
Haha, whatever.. nice video (;
What is the music of the video? 😀
Amazing video)) I love it so much!!
This made me fall in love with Twilight all over again! Love it!<3
Love it all -3
i love Edward and Bella… i love the twilight saga…
love the movie
amazing!!!!!!!!!!! i love it so much!!!!!!!
thanks for watching everyone!:)
i really dont like his side burn in this movie
so lovely!
beautiful !!!
loveeee it!
so adorable! loved the narration awesome..loved the ending too! great job
@kalissa92 thank you :))
beautiful <33