Mar 25, 2012
Posted by Bella in Isabella Cullen | 10 Comments
Edward Cullen& Isabella Cullen

das sollen die letzen paar minuten von bella darstellen und wie sie wieder von den Vampirgift schmerzen wieder erlöst wird darstellen! Hoffe es ist gut gelungen und ich hoffe das es euch gefällt danke (= Eure: Jessica
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Hope you guys like this one 🙂 My 3rd Bella Swan video OTL
Video Rating: 4 / 5
gosh, i wish i can photo shop like that! Lol, tried once and gave up learning how 10 minutes later xD i would totally let you photo shop my picture if you weren’t a total stranger…
how long did this take to do?
Love it!
@khaiistar Ur very good at that
@amaiyaiscool254 Thanks:D
i really like it. i would give this a 5 stars.
You’re a genius. She really looks like a vampire.
Thanks for the video response 🙂